  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

Federal laws allow rail companies to act in bad faith

To: Rep. Craig, Sen. Smith, Sen. Klobuchar

From: A constituent in Northfield, MN

July 16

Railroads have long enjoyed expansive legal authority, including exemptions from local laws and regulations. This needs to change to better integrate rail infrastructure within our communities. Requiring railroads to follow reasonable city ordinances on issues like noise, sidewalk/boulevard maintenance, and disaster preparedness would help make them better urban neighbors. Currently, railroads can largely operate as they wish with little accountability to residents impacted by their operations. Enforcing local rules around noise levels, particularly at night, would improve quality of life. Mandating railroads maintain sidewalks, landscaping and drainage near their rights-of-way is a matter of public safety. And ensuring they have proper emergency plans that complement the city's would boost preparedness. While still allowing railroads to carry out their vital transportation role, applying select municipal codes would incentivize them to be more responsive to community needs. As we've seen with informal pedestrian paths across tracks, railroads often create hazards by stonewalling reasonable requests. Granting cities some regulatory teeth could prompt much-needed cooperation from railroads in creating a safer, more livable urban environment for all.

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