  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Van Hollen, Rep. Ruppersberger, Sen. Cardin

From: A verified voter in Westminster, MD

July 2

I am very concerned about the recent Supreme Court Rulings including the presidency being above the law. And while this election seems highlight how critical it is to vote for someone with ethics, that is not enough. What is going to be done right now, when you currently have time remaining in office, to fix this? What action are you going to take to protect our democracy and our people? All I’m hearing is “vote for one side, you can’t trust the other” but I need solutions, NOW. What can be done to right the wrongs made this week by the Supreme Court? Both in this case and the overturning of Chevron? This is not the first time the Supreme Court has made disastrous missteps that impact the stregnth of our country’s government, Citizens United has not been fixed either. And women do not have the right for bodily autonomy. This situation is dire. What are you going to do? Thank you

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