  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Biden's vision: Substantive policies for working-class Americans

To: Sen. Warner, Rep. Beyer, Sen. Kaine

From: A verified voter in Arlington, VA

July 19

Biden has weathered the recent challenges to his candidacy, and now is the time for Democrats to unite behind him as the party's nominee. At this crucial juncture, it is imperative that voters and members of Congress offer their full-throated support to ensure Biden can effectively make his case to the American people about his ambitious policy agenda for a potential second term. Only a unified Democratic Party can overcome the damaging policies and divisive rhetoric of Donald Trump. Biden must continue his campaign, forcefully communicating his vision of expanding vital social programs, tackling economic inequities, and meeting the existential threat of climate change. Through a vigorous campaign centered on uplifting the working class, Biden has the best chance of securing a decisive victory and preserving Democratic governance. Now more than ever, Democrats at all levels should rally around the President to achieve this essential objective.

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