  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gutierrez, Rep. Mathis

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

June 8

This bill aims to restrict internet access for minors to content deemed "harmful," but it raises serious concerns about digital censorship and disproportionately impacts LGBTQ+ youth. Age verification requirements like showing ID to access social media would curtail access to vital online support spaces and resources for queer youth. Such measures risk further isolating an already vulnerable group during crucial years of identity exploration and community-building. While protecting minors is a valid goal, this legislation goes too far in a way that threatens free expression and equitable access to the internet. I urge you to consider these unintended consequences and oppose SB1298 unless amended to safeguard the rights of LGBTQ+ youth and their access to online spaces.

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