  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Smith

From: A verified voter in Des Moines, WA

July 19

Thank you for responding to my last email, but your analysis regarding Biden’s candidacy is incorrect and misleading. I don’t think you appreciate the degree of anger among actual voters that this generates. Voters have already selected Biden as their candidate in primary elections. Voters are not worried about Biden’s age or one bad debate performance. What message are you sending to voters when you tell them their vote doesn’t matter? Republicans have gotten the country into a very precarious position because campaign donations mean more than listening to their voters. Now voters think Democrats are doing the exact same thing. You don’t need wealthy donors. You need voters. Democratic voters will tell you that wealthy men can’t buy our votes as easily as they can buy Republican votes. You must understand is that women and black voters feel an overwhelming sense of betrayal from any Democrat taking this position. Women are 51% of the population and black voters comprise the majority of the party. We trust Biden to look out for our interests. And despite how much regard we have for Harris, we are well aware the country is not ready to accept a black woman as president. In fact, one of the ugly undertones you may have missed is the Republicans are preying upon prejudices of voters to put her at the top of the ticket because they’re confident they can beat her. Voters are withdrawing support from candidates such as yourself who have taken this position, because they feel that you are stabbing Biden in the back. Throwing away the incumbancey along with Biden’s stellar performance on the job plays right into Republican’s hands. They’re hoping we do this, because they think they can win any other ticket. Not only does this make the Democratic Party look weak, it will throw the entire party into chaos right when we need to present a strong and united front to the entire world. And there is absolutely no way to get voters behind a new candidate in the amount of time we have left. The Biden camplaign already has had to do extra work to get Biden on the ballot in Ohio. The infrastructure set up to get the Biden/Harris ticket on ballots and get voter mobilization doesn’t just transfer to a new candidate because of some wishful thinking. Trump’s horrid acceptance speech showed the world his incoherent, rambling, mental decline that the media has been hiding for the last 8 years. The media is firmly on the side of Republicans because billionaires own most of the media. Any Democratic candidate will be attacked relentlessly. Congress must address this through legislation. The best thing you and all your Democratic colleagues can do right now is to get behind Biden and unite the party once and for all. And since the media won’t tell the people the truth, get on the campaign trail and help us get the word out. I’m doing my part, but we need all Democrats to be on the same team.

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