  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Klobuchar, Sen. Smith

From: A constituent in Minneapolis, MN

November 18

The Senate must act urgently to confirm all of President Biden's exceptional and highly qualified judicial nominees before Republicans take control in January 2025. With 31 nominees awaiting action and 67 current or future vacancies, failure to confirm these diverse and outstanding candidates would open the door for Donald Trump to install nearly 70 right-wing, unqualified loyalists on the federal bench. This would undermine our rights, freedoms, and democracy for decades to come. Senate Democrats have both the time and procedural means to confirm every single pending nominee if they prioritize this crucial task. They must work nights, weekends, and through holidays if needed to get this done. Every Biden nominee left unconfirmed is effectively a vote for an extremist Trump judge who will work to dismantle our democratic institutions and roll back hard-won protections. The future of our judiciary, and by extension our nation, hangs in the balance. Confirming these nominees is an utmost priority to uphold the rule of law and preserve justice for all Americans.

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