  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Thompson, Rep. Antone, Gov. Desantis

From: A verified voter in Orlando, FL

August 22, 2024

I want to register my horrified disapproval of Governor DeSantis's recently revealed plans to decimate several Florida state parks, in favor of development of golf courses and pickleball courts. This is a supremely revolting proposal and it is shocking that any sane government agent could even be considering it. Our state parks are a last refuge of the natural beauty and wonder of the State of Florida. Destroying that beauty for something as sterilized and unnatural as golf courses and pickleball courts is an idea that flies in the very face of the purpose and intents of those parks. This plan MUST be reversed and prevented from coming to fruition.

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