  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Pass clean bill for Ohio's presidential ballot access

To: Rep. Beatty

From: A verified voter in Columbus, OH

May 25

Ohio must pass a clean bill to place President Biden on the state's ballot without any extraneous conditions or partisan maneuvers. It is unacceptable to demand concessions that undermine ballot initiatives, undercut reproductive rights protections, or compromise the integrity of the judicial system in exchange for fulfilling this routine process. Ohioans deserve to participate fully in national elections without their democratic freedoms being bargained away. A clean bill respects the will of the people and upholds fair democratic practices. Demanding legislative tradeoffs to certify a presidential candidate on the ballot sets a dangerous precedent that erodes trust in elections and enables further attacks on citizens' rights. Ohio's leaders have a responsibility to facilitate free and fair elections by passing a straightforward bill to include President Biden on the ballot, without exploiting the situation for political gain or undermining the state's constitutional safeguards. Protecting Ohio's democracy should not be a transaction, but a solemn duty.

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