- United States
- Ohio
- Letter
DeWine must denounce GOP rumors of Springfield.
To: Gov. DeWine
From: A verified voter in Akron, OH
September 14, 2024
Governor DeWine,
Ohioans, and Americans alike, need you to stand up to Trump and Vance about Springfield, Ohio.
Their rumors about the Haitian population are like a wildfire. The city will burn and they'll use their bully pulpits to fan the flames until the whole state goes up.
We know this is about energizing hatred to demonize Dems.; and we know that's not your party, but we are your people - all of us, red, blue, undecided - and legal immigrant.
You must come out publicly and denounce him. Yes, it will mean he'll come at you. But you are not unprotected the way these legal Haitian immigrants are; you are not as vulnerable as the City of Springfield and all of its inhabitants.
You can run cover for them and all of us by going public with a firm statement denouncing these rumors and sending home those who've come to do harm.
I have no doubt it will become bloody if you don't.
Biden has tried, but Trump sees him as a lame duck. During covid, you got out front and center and led the charge for the nation. Trump admired that - was jealous of it, even.
He will listen to you, and you must get his ear. Right now.
I would beg you, and wheedle, and say you are our only hope; but I would also remind you that this is your sworn duty.
Please get out in front of that podium, open that mic, and roll film. TODAY.
Stop this before we have another January 6th on our own soil. Today. Please.