  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject discriminatory ban on gender-affirming healthcare

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

Title: Bill HB3329 - End Taxpayer Funding of Gender Experimentation Act of 2023 Bill HB3329 seeks to prohibit taxpayer-funded gender transition procedures, including banning insurance coverage for these procedures under Medicare and other publicly funded insurance programs receiving taxpayer funds. It would also prevent transition procedures from being performed in federally owned healthcare facilities or by federally employed physicians. This legislation threatens transgender individuals' health and well-being by restricting access to medically necessary and evidence-based treatment for gender dysphoria recognized by leading medical associations. Denying this care can severely impact mental and physical health, increasing depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation rates. Additionally, the bill discriminates against a vulnerable population and infringes on their rights to access healthcare services, perpetuating stigma and marginalization with far-reaching societal impacts.

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