  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Keep Biden's 2024 candidacy; support achievements, address voter concerns

To: Sen. Warner, Sen. Kaine

From: A verified voter in Reston, VA

July 7

Despite the concerns raised by some Democratic senators, President Biden should continue his campaign for reelection. The president has consistently reiterated his commitment to seeking a second term, stating "I'm the nominee" when asked about calls for him to withdraw. While his recent debate performance drew criticism, robust polling data is needed to accurately gauge voter sentiment following that event. The USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll shows Biden trailing Trump by only a slim margin, indicating the race remains competitive. Additionally, key Democratic figures like Senator Tim Kaine and Governor Wes Moore have voiced strong support for Biden, emphasizing his patriotism, service record, and policy achievements during his first term. Rather than abandon his candidacy at this late date, Biden should address voter concerns head-on and make his case for why he deserves another four years in office. Ultimately, the decision rests with the American people in the 2024 election.

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