  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Veto Ohio HB 8, protect religious freedom and public education

To: Gov. DeWine

From: A verified voter in Westerville, OH

December 20

I would like Governor Dewine to veto Ohio HB 8. The proposed legislation poses concerning threats to religious freedom and the separation of church and state in public education across Ohio communities. While the legality of optional release time religious instruction (RTRI) programs is established, forcing all districts to adopt policies enabling RTRI strips local control, precludes public dialogue on providers that have sparked serious concerns from numerous parents about curricula promoting specific religious ideologies, and risks disruption of learning and proselytizing. Upholding local decision-making over RTRI preserves religious liberty while respecting communities' diverse contexts and values regarding religious instruction during the school day. A veto protects both RTRI's legality and districts' rights to carefully evaluate what belongs in their public schools, including potential disruptions to education and religious indoctrination.

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