  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Against banning mask wearing in public

To: Gov. Cooper, Sen. Mohammed, Rep. Cunningham

From: A constituent in Charlotte, NC

May 15

I do not want you or any other member of the legislature wasting time trying to ban public masking. Wearing a mask continues to be important (and has been important, even pre-COVID) for people to protect their health and to prevent the spread of airborne disease. Banning it would be bad for public health, and wrong for individuals who are trying to protect themselves and others. Such a ban is fear-based, as the people who do not want to see people in masks are trying to get rid of physical reminders that there are viruses in the world that are dangerous. We should instead be investing time and money into better ventilation in buildings (public and private) and better access to health care for everyone.

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