  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject SB1125, threat to online freedoms and privacy

To: Rep. Gutierrez, Rep. Mathis

From: A constituent in Tucson, AZ

June 8

SB1125 imposes burdensome requirements on online platforms to verify users' ages before allowing access to any content that could be considered "harmful to minors." This overly broad standard threatens free expression and access to online information. The bill also enables invasive practices like IP address blacklists managed by ISPs, violating online privacy. Violations carry severe penalties creating a chilling effect on content creators and websites. SB1125 poses a clear threat to online freedoms that necessitates resolute opposition to protect digital rights in Arizona. I urge you to reject this misguided legislation that undermines online liberty and privacy without justification.

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