  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Support Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding Schools

To: Rep. Lee

From: A constituent in Oakland, CA

December 21

The Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act of 2024 seeks to formally investigate and document the histories and impacts of Indian Boarding Schools and assimilationist policies on Native American communities. This comprehensive effort would establish a commission tasked with conducting research, holding public meetings to gather testimony, and making recommendations to Congress on acknowledgment, memorialization, and promoting public awareness of these harmful policies. Given the gravity of this issue and the need for a thorough examination, I urge support for this bill to shed light on a dark chapter of American history. By investigating the boarding school system's destructive legacy, we can promote healing for survivors and descendants, while ensuring such policies are never repeated. This commission represents an important step towards truth, reconciliation and reckoning with injustices against Native peoples.

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