  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

FUND WIC NOW! Don’t leave women and children hungry!

To: Sen. Graham, Rep. Fry, Sen. Scott

From: A constituent in Florence, SC

January 9

I am deeply concerned about the potential harm to nutritionally at-risk women with low incomes and their young children if Congress fails to provide the funding needed for WIC in the FY24 spending package. WIC is essential to the health and well-being of over 6.5 million women and young children, including roughly half of all infants born in the U.S. It provides families with wide-ranging benefits and services, including safer pregnancies, improved dietary outcomes, and the healthy growth and development of children. Congress previously recognized the profound benefits of WIC by making significant investments in the program during the COVID-19 pandemic, including increasing the monthly value of the fruit and vegetable benefits for women and children. This, along with innovative outreach and increased demand, has fueled the ability of WIC to reach the increasing numbers of those who are eligible. But without full funding for WIC, this progress will quickly unravel. Participants are at risk of losing these vital benefits if Congress does not include enough funding for WIC in the final FY 2024 funding bill. This will result in an interruption of services, and long waiting lists, leading to more moms, babies, and young children struggling against hunger, lacking adequate health care, and losing out on other vital WIC services. I strongly urge Congress to continue the long, historic, bipartisan support for WIC and to include full funding in the final FY24 appropriations bill to ensure access to WIC’s nutrition and health benefits and services. An investment in WIC is an investment in our nation’s future. Thanks.

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