Preserve Northshore music education for students
  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Preserve Northshore music education for students

To: Gov. Inslee

From: A constituent in Bothell, WA

May 10

Northshore School District is facing a $26 million budget shortfall for the upcoming school year, forcing difficult decisions about program cuts. The district has already cut the fourth-grade music program during the pandemic, and now plans to eliminate the long-standing fifth-grade music program that has provided music education to students for over 40 years. This program introduces hundreds of children to instruments who may not otherwise have the opportunity. While budgetary constraints are understood, cutting enrichment programs like music deprives students of well-rounded educational experiences proven to enhance overall learning and development. Music education cultivates important skills like discipline, creativity, and teamwork. Eliminating these opportunities disproportionately impacts families unable to afford private lessons, reducing equitable access to a vital component of a comprehensive education. The request is to reconsider these detrimental cuts to the music curriculum. Investing in our children's future by preserving diverse educational offerings will pay dividends through a more engaged, skilled workforce capable of driving economic growth and community prosperity. Prioritizing enrichment cultivates the leaders of tomorrow while shaping well-rounded citizens today. Budgets reflect values - safeguarding quality education should be a core priority.

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