- United States
- Okla.
- Letter
Markwayne Mullin, Elon Musk
To: Gov. Stitt
From: A verified voter in Ada, OK
December 24, 2024
Sir, I ask you to censure Senator Markwayne Mullin for evading pertinent and urgent questions about Elon Musk on Fox News this past weekend. Musk has enormous financial interests in Russia as well as close ties to Putin. In defending Musk, Mullin is abetting Putin in his avowed aim to ruin America. Mullin is normalizing the destruction of our democracy. In addition, Musk is quite blatant about his plans to gut Medicare, Social Security, food assistance, veterans’ benefits, the Department of Education, and all manner of other programs that make life bearable or even possible for poor and middle-class Americans. Mullin is promoting the ruin of the United States by his promotion of Musk’s agenda, and I will work vigorously within my community and in my many social media groups toward replacing ANY political figure who labors in Musk’s — or Mullin’s —vineyard. Governor Stitt, I would appreciate it very much if you would communicate with Mullin about these issues. Our state, like every other, cannot survive without citizen entitlements and benefits; it’ll perish under Russian domination. I believe you can explain this to Senator Mullin. Thank you, sir.