  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject discriminatory transgender military ban that harms readiness

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

I strongly oppose HB1112, the "Ensuring Military Readiness Act," as it discriminates against transgender individuals and prevents them from serving openly in the Armed Forces. This bill imposes harmful restrictions, such as requiring transgender servicemembers to serve solely based on their sex assigned at birth, denying access to gender transition-related healthcare, and barring those who have undergone any form of gender transition from military service altogether. Such exclusionary policies undermine military readiness and unit cohesion by forcing talented individuals to hide their authentic selves or be discharged. Numerous studies have confirmed that allowing transgender personnel to serve openly has no significant impact on unit cohesion or operational effectiveness. By enacting this discriminatory legislation, we risk losing skilled personnel and deterring potential recruits, ultimately weakening our national defense capabilities. Moreover, this bill perpetuates the harmful stigma surrounding gender identity and fails to align with our nation's values of equal opportunity and inclusion. It unjustly targets a small percentage of the population based solely on their gender identity, rather than evaluating individuals based on their qualifications and ability to serve. Instead of erecting barriers, we should be fostering an environment that embraces diversity and allows all Americans who meet the rigorous standards to honorably serve their country, regardless of gender identity. I urge you to reject this regressive and discriminatory legislation and uphold the principles of equal protection and human rights for all citizens, including our brave transgender servicemembers.

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