- United States
- N.C.
- Letter
The Trump administration's refusal to comply with court orders represents a direct assault on the rule of law and the system of checks and balances that is foundational to American democracy. As a co-equal branch of government, the judiciary serves a vital role in ensuring no individual or branch exceeds its constitutional authority. When the executive branch defiantly ignores binding judicial rulings, it undermines the entire legal order and degrades the nation's democratic institutions. Congress must act decisively to uphold judicial authority and defend the separation of powers by using its constitutional means, including the power of the purse and impeachment, to compel the administration's compliance with court orders. Failure to do so would effectively surrender Congress's institutional role as a check on executive overreach. The sanctity of the United States government rests upon adherence to the Constitution and the law - principles that transcend any single administration or political affiliation.