- United States
- N.H.
- Letter
The current Supreme Court has issued rulings that undermine constitutional principles and erode the separation of powers. Recent ethics scandals involving justices have further tarnished public trust in the Court. To restore legitimacy, Congress must take decisive action by implementing binding ethics rules and 18-year term limits for justices. Term limits will promote judicial independence by insulating justices from partisan and special interests while ensuring a regular influx of new perspectives. An enforceable code of conduct is essential to rein in unethical behavior and uphold the integrity of the nation's highest court. Failing to enact these reforms will enable an increasingly partisan and unaccountable Court to continue consolidating power at the expense of our democratic system of checks and balances. By instituting term limits and ethics rules, Congress can realign the Supreme Court with its vital role of upholding the Constitution and preserving the rule of law.