  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Protect LGBTQ+ youth, reject discriminatory bills HB 121, HB 122

To: Rep. Carpenter, Sen. Barrow

From: A constituent in Zachary, LA

May 16

The recently advanced bills HB 121 and HB 122 pose a significant threat to LGBTQ+ youth in Louisiana schools. By prohibiting the use of chosen names and pronouns without parental permission and restricting discussions around gender and sexuality, these measures risk creating an unwelcoming and unsafe environment for LGBTQ+ students. As a parent, I believe all children deserve to feel accepted and supported in their identity exploration at school. Forcing students to be misgendered or remain closeted due to unsupportive parents can lead to severe psychological distress and potential homelessness. Schools should be a refuge where students can freely express themselves without fear of discrimination. I urge you to consider the well-being of LGBTQ+ youth and vote against these harmful bills that undermine their fundamental rights and sense of belonging. All children, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, should have access to a supportive and inclusive learning environment that allows them to thrive academically and personally.

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