  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Articles of Impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito

To: Rep. Schiff

From: A verified voter in Burbank, CA

July 11

Hello Congressman. I'm writing in to ask you to support Representative Ocasio-Cortez's articles of impeachment against Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Both of these Justices have refused to recuse themselves in cases relating to the attempt to overturn the 2020 election results on January 6, 2021. In addition, they recently ruled that the President can break the law without consequence. As such, I think they are unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. In addition, I would like to say that I think the House and Senate should be more aggressive in reining in the Supreme Court's overreach. Article 3, section 2 of the constitution says that Congress shall make exceptions to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. In the 1980s, John Roberts advised President Reagan to do this very thing to prevent the SCOTUS from ruling on issues such as abortion or busing policies. I think Democrats should use this to try to prevent the SCOTUS from rolling back our civil rights as they have done in the past. Thank you and I hope you take these concerns into consideration in the House, and the Senate, should you win in November.

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