  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Sinema, Sen. Kelly

From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ

July 2

The Supreme Court just ruled that the president can do anything he wants.... Everything he does is an official act and nothing is a crime. This is declaring the president a dictator If President Biden does not act immediately to do something about the Supreme Court then he will be throwing away democracy. President Biden will be the last democratically elected president unless he does something effective to the Supreme court. So don't tell me voting Democrat will change anything. November will be too late. You must urge President Biden to replace the entire Supreme Court or expand it immediately! Otherwise there's no reason to vote against Republicans because you never mean what you say and you never do what you claim you support. Don't tell me voting matters when the Supreme Court has just about destroyed every avenue for us to vote for change.

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