  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reconsider censorship risks of "harmful to minors" definition

To: Rep. Mathis, Rep. Gutierrez

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

September 3

This bill, SB1298, requires commercial entities that publish material considered "harmful to minors" to verify that anyone accessing their site is 18 or older if more than one-third of the website's content falls into this category. The overly broad definition of "harmful to minors" raises concerns about censorship of important educational and cultural content pertaining to LGBTQ+ issues. Requiring age verification for one-third of a website's content could inadvertently restrict access to valuable resources and narratives, stifling free expression. The potential for misuse targeting LGBTQ+ perspectives is worrisome. Rather than preemptive censorship, a more balanced approach emphasizing age-appropriate guidance and parental involvement would better serve minors while upholding free speech principles. This legislation should be reconsidered to prevent unintended consequences that marginalize already vulnerable communities.

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