  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Romney, Sen. Lee, Rep. Maloy

From: A constituent in West Valley City, UT

May 26

Congress has the authority to impeach and remove federal judges, including Supreme Court justices, through the impeachment process laid out in the Constitution. However, this power should only be exercised with great care and restraint based on clear evidence of serious misconduct or inability to uphold judicial duties. Mere disagreement with legal opinions or perceived ideological bias is generally not considered sufficient grounds for impeachment under the Constitution's "good behavior" standard for federal judges. Allegations of bias or improper conduct must involve willful and demonstrable violations of judicial ethics and integrity to warrant such an extraordinary measure. Ultimately, Congress must weigh any allegations judiciously against this high bar before pursuing impeachment of a sitting Supreme Court justice.

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