An open letter to Sen. Adams, Gov. McMaster, Rep. Pace.
  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Adams, Gov. McMaster, Rep. Pace

From: A constituent in Summerville, SC

April 25

We OPPOSE H. 4624 ! As we are sure you know, this woefully misguided bill would: 1. Ban medically necessary care for all transgender youth in SC 2. Make life-saving healthcare more expensive and harder to access for many trans adults in SC (by interfering with what state-run insurance plans can cover) 3. Force teachers to out transgender youth to their parents, potentially before they are ready, putting young people with unsupportive parents in unsafe home environments. In other words this bill is sure to cause harm to citizens of SC. Vote “ NO” on H. 4624!

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