  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Bring the House back

To: Sen. Sinema, Sen. Kelly

From: A constituent in Flagstaff, AZ

September 30

I am writing with grave concern for our citizens, family and friends in the areas of the south and southeast horrifically damaged by Helene. The Republican House members blocked extra disaster assistance funds during the latest spending fight. As we could have predicted, with warming waters in the ocean and in the midst of hurricane season, that funding is now necessary. I know everyone in the House has left on recess, but I’m asking the Senator to call on them to return to Washington and pass a supplemental funding bill now so that states impacted by Helene have the resources they need. Lives are at stake. Also, if it wasn't already obvious, we are in a climate emergency. Congress needs to do more and faster. No more delay. We need aggressive climate action and a transition away from fossil fuels as soon as possible. I will only vote for lawmakers who feel the same. Thank you.

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