  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

Unite congress and save the country from the curse of MAGA.

To: Sen. Van Hollen, Rep. Hoyer, Sen. Cardin

From: A constituent in California, MD

July 3

Support the impeachment of the six justices who remorselessly betrayed their oath and move to have all MAGA congress members ejected from congress! We are in a dangerous time here, and if we don't start taking action, we will only get into more trouble!! Acknowledge and DEMAND that all of congress MUST come together and overturn Trump vs. the United States. Demand the censuring and prosecution of EVERY MAGA member in congress. Representative Greene from Georgia is one of the biggest offenders, as is Jim Jordan. Demand that Mike Johnson allows the impeachment articles to move forward, and do not fall back. America is being threatened by the MAGA movement and the only way to "Make America Great Again" is to ensure the expulsion of all Trump supporters from the house and senate, and immediate trials that do not allow for any postponing. MAGA must not win. I heavily dissent the SCOTUS's latest rulings. I dissent threats to our great republic. Please. Do the right thing and prevent our country from being turned into a government ruled by the mafia known as MAGA.

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