  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Intolerance will burn: not our flags

To: Gov. Polis, Rep. Epps, Sen. Hansen

From: A constituent in Denver, CO

June 7

The call from GOP extremists, to burn pride flags, along with their rhetoric is a clear defiance of the “fighting words” amendment. Phrasing instilled, and call to action: targets an already vulnerable minority group; which shows the true “godless nature” the right-wing zealots, and their wicked projection. We must stand together, as a free nation, and act under the paradox of tolerance— to save our people and country. We must stand firm, as a state, and a people to disavow these domestic terrorists, who actively call for violence and hatred. We must make a statement: that we won’t tolerate their hatred and bigotry any longer. As your constituent: I request your representation and demand a stonewall to these terrorists’ demands. Our lives and freedoms are not a bartering chip to be traded and sold.

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