  1. United States
  2. Mont.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Zinke, Sen. Tester, Sen. Daines

From: A constituent in Lolo, MT

November 19

I am writing to urge you to support the release of the House investigation regarding Rep. Matt Gaetz. The American people deserve to know the findings of congress regarding any potential illegal activity committed by a nominee for Attorney General. The allegations against Rep. Gaetz are credible and corroborated by witnesses. It is well within the American people's rights to know if the potential future A.G. engaged in sexual acts with a minor. I remember a time when a person facing such allegations would never be seen as fit for any public office. A person who commits sexual assault against a minor should face criminal charges, not be elevated to the highest law enforcement position in our country. Anyone involved in covering up such an investigation demonstrates that they are willing to be considered on the same side as a sex criminal. We deserve to know the findings of Congress.

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