  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Investigate green hill juvenile detention facility

To: Sen. Wilson, Gov. Inslee, Rep. Walsh, Rep. McEntire

From: A constituent in Longview, WA

June 8

Subject: Urgent Investigation Needed: Green Hill Juvenile Detention Facility Dear Washington Lawmakers I am writing to you today with a heavy heart and a deep concern for the well-being of our youth at the Green Hill juvenile detention facility. Recent reports and allegations have raised serious questions about the conditions and treatment of juveniles in this facility. As a concerned citizen, I urge you to launch a thorough investigation into the practices and operations at Green Hill. Every young person deserves a safe and supportive environment, especially those who are in state custody. If there are any violations of their rights or instances of mistreatment, they must be addressed swiftly and decisively. The welfare of these vulnerable individuals should be our top priority, and it is imperative that action is taken to ensure their safety and well-being. Our juvenile justice system must uphold the principles of fairness, rehabilitation, and dignity for all youth involved. I urge you to use your authority and influence to oversee the investigation into Green Hill and to implement any necessary reforms to prevent further harm. Our community's future depends on the care and guidance we provide to our youth, and we cannot afford to turn a blind eye to their suffering. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I trust that you will take swift and decisive action to address these concerns and ensure justice for the youth at Green Hill. Adults over 21 should not be in this detention center other states age of an adult for adult custody is 18 zero tolerance. Tell Tanna Senn to actually do her job and look into this. Sincerely Garrett Beauregard

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