  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

tarrifs, trade wars, and oaths to the ppl

To: Sen. Graham, Sen. Scott

From: A constituent in Travelers Rest, SC

December 15

although im neither dem or republican as most americans now because i feel like we have no representation anymore. it all belongs to the lobby money..i do have a few things to suggest considering i do have to suffer whatever consequences will come of the next 4 years of billionare ran government. first off, this luigi ceo situation should be a clear indication that america has reached it breaking point under the costs of health care and basic needs. instead of allowing an ignoramous to start a trade war with what the left refused to. legalize cannabis (its going to happen eventually and half the nation already is) and federally tax it. watch the money pour in. if you touch the social nets weve all paid into the people will not take it lying down. 2. realize that the people are already fully aware that the war is a class war. lay off the nonsense trans social issues and hypocritical nonsense that government has no function in ultimatly. 3. aca isnt great no. but healthcare must become a right. i know you guys all hate it. but the rest of the worlds already got it. the american ppl are tired of seeing every other nation taking care of its ppl while we take care of you fools in dc and silicon valley. take your represenation seriously. if you mean what you say. and you truly want to represent all of us here in sc. then do so. and not just loyalty to your demigod criminal mob boss. you know who he is as well as do we all. so save the fake defenses. thank you for your time

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