Trying to censure REP. Omar is unhealthy for our country
  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

Trying to censure REP. Omar is unhealthy for our country

To: Sen. Lee, Rep. Owens, Sen. Romney

From: A verified voter in Mapleton, UT

May 1

I am writing to urge action to block the proposed censure of Representative Ilhan Omar. While her recent comments about Jewish students being "pro-genocide" were controversial and ill-advised, formal censure would be an overreaction that could inflame tensions further. Rep. Omar has clarified that she condemns antisemitism and bigotry against all Jewish students. She appears to have been inartfully referring to the Palestinian view that Israel's policies amount to genocide, a position shared by some international bodies. However misguided her phrasing, censuring a member of Congress should be reserved for only the most egregious offenses undermining democratic institutions. This incident does not rise to that level. Instead of doubling down, we should seek to lower temperatures and promote mutual understanding on this deeply divisive issue. I urge you to reject the censure effort and instead encourage all sides to engage in more thoughtful and temperate dialogue.

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