Please sign HB 224 and HB 546
  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Please sign HB 224 and HB 546

To: Gov. Youngkin

From: A verified voter in Williamsburg, VA

April 18

As a Virginia resident, I am concerned about legislative attacks on the LGBTQ+ community during the General Assembly session - specifically, attacks on transgender and nonbinary youth. On Wednesday, April 17th during the reconvene session, the General Assembly voted unanimously to reject your recommended amendments to - House Bill 224 (Henson) and House Bill 536 (Cole). I am urging you to listen to stand with members of your own party, Virginians, and LGBTQ+ people and sign the bills into law. House Bill 224 seeks to require school personnel to participate in a mental health awareness training that addresses the needs of youth who are especially at risk of mental health challenges, including homeless youth, youth in foster care, and LGBTQ+ youth. According to the Trevor Project, 43% of LGBTQ+ young people seriously considered suicide in Virginia. HB 224 acknowledges that youth in different situations require different support approaches, and ensures school staff have the ability to provide a supportive environment to young people of all backgrounds and experiences. House Bill 536 will adjust the definition of bullying to ensure that all Virginia students are represented and protected by anti-bullying laws. Research from GLSEN found that students who attended schools with a specific anti-bullying policy heard fewer homophobic (47.2% vs. 63.3%) and racist (33.7% v. 44.1%) remarks compared to schools with a general policy or no policy. HB 536 addresses bullying faced by those who are particularly vulnerable to bias. After the legislative session, and now reconvene, Virginians have sent a clear message that LGBTQ+ youth deserve safe, affirming and inclusive learning environments. HB 224 and HB 536 are small steps towards transforming the school climate in Virginia’s K-12 schools.

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