An open letter to Sen. Risch, Sen. Crapo, Rep. Simpson.
  1. United States
  2. Idaho
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Risch, Sen. Crapo, Rep. Simpson

From: A verified voter in Hailey, ID

May 11

I am writing to comment on the hacking incident related to UnitedHealthcare Group. I have for years been upset that insurance companies have and require o should have our Social Security numbers are those with whom we have contractual financial relationships. By that I mean wages or contractual employment ot report their interaction to the IRS. access to their clients Social Security numbers. It took years for Congress to separate our Social Security numbers from Medicare. The only peoples wh . No one else has any right to have those numbers. All companies are potential victim of computer hacking. United healthcare group has the vast major ity of Americans Social Security numbers through their insurance businesses. That is not right. Please eliminate this unnecessary from anyone who does n

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