  1. United States
  2. Va.
  3. Letter

Urge Biden to Publish the ERA

To: Sen. Warner, Rep. Beyer, Sen. Kaine

From: A verified voter in Arlington, VA

June 24

I am writing as your constituent to ask you to urge President Biden to publish the Equal Rights Amendment immediately. As a Virginian in particular I am disappointed that our state's ratification of the ERA has been ignored for so long. I am aware there are still legal questions around it, but it has in fact been ratified by the states, and freedom will NEVER be won if we wait quietly for a time when everything is perfect. It is the duty of the President to use his powers to their fullest extent to protect the rights of the people, and publishing the already ratified ERA as the 28th Amendment is squarely within those powers. If opposition wishes to contest it, let them do the work to try to reverse his actions, instead of waiting for a day when we won't have opposition. President Biden and the US Justice Department should do everything within their power to uphold the ERA and its status as a ratified, published Amendment. And I am asking you as my representative to exert all possible pressure and take all action available to you to support this. This must be done before the next election! We cannot afford to risk losing the White House without this Amendment in place to protect us from overreach by future administrations, especially things like a national abortion ban. I am a loyal supporter but have seen half measures on women's rights from the White House too much. He needs to take disruptive action to make history! Thank you for your work on this matter.

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