  1. United States
  2. S.C.
  3. Letter

Stop the Criminalization of Women's Healthcare, Stop SC H3537

To: Sen. Allen

From: A constituent in Greenville, SC

December 19

Stop the Criminalization of Women's Healthcare, Stop SC H3537 Hello, and thank you in advance for reading. Recently a group of Republican Representatives have introduced the bill SC H3537, which seeks to criminalize the medical process of pregnancy abortion. While you may personally find abortion to be a terrible occurance, it is an important and necessary part of women's healthcare. Criminalizing it will not only fail to prevent abortions, it will result in: a) doctors refusing other care to pregnant women, for fear of possible legal consequences; b) abortions being performed in more dangerous conditions without qualified medical personnel; c) women being forced to carry pregnancies that are dangerous to their health; and perhaps most importantly d) women who manage to overcome all of these hurdles to obtain the healthcare they need via an abortion will be criminally liable and even eligible to suffer the death penalty, which for some reason we still allow in this state. The idea that a woman could be put to death for seeking a medically necessary procedure is absurd and immoral. I ask that you, as a public facing official, speak out against this heinous piece of archaic legislation immediately and vehemently, to protect all the women who will suffer needlessly if it should pass. Thank you.

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