  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

Reject discriminatory school defunding bill that harms inclusivity

To: Rep. Ciscomani

From: A verified voter in Tucson, AZ

July 20

This bill threatens to withhold vital federal funding from public schools if they are found to violate vaguely defined state laws regulating educational materials deemed "harmful to minors." Numerous states have unjustly labeled books and resources related to LGBTQIA+ identities, as well as those promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, as "harmful." Denying schools funding over such materials is an unacceptable form of censorship that will deprive students of comprehensive and inclusive education. Every child deserves access to age-appropriate materials that reflect the full diversity of identities, cultures, and experiences in our society. Suppressing this vital knowledge promotes ignorance, undermines efforts toward equity and belonging, and harms the emotional wellbeing of marginalized youth. Public education must uplift all students, not reinforce biases. I urge you to reject this punitive and discriminatory legislation. Our schools require adequate funding to provide a rich educational experience that prepares all students to thrive in our pluralistic democracy. Politicizing curriculum standards and threatening districts' resources over an ideological agenda is wrong. Please defend high-quality, inclusive public education for every child.

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