- United States
- Ariz.
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Rep. Ciscomani
From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ
August 21
As a woman I think the proposed bill H.R. 3741 is irrational. It seeks to "prohibit the use of Title X funds for any system that provides counseling or referrals to individuals regarding abortion services".
Apparently, you, a man in Congress, believe that you're smarter than the women that hope to benefit from money that encourages women to do well in sports.
Leave Title X alone! Why do you think you have to define what a woman is? Why do you think you have to decide what women are allowed to do?
The restrictions contained in that irrational law are overly broad and impose undue burdens on access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare information and services. Such government overreach infringes upon personal liberties and the ability to make fully informed decisions about one's own body.
I would like to see you decide how men should use their reproductive rights. I would like to see you decide when men get to have kids and whether they should be forced to reproduce.
The fact that you refuse to regulate men means that you think you have a god-given right to be the arbiter of women's bodies.
Rest assured I will never vote for you, a man who thinks that he has to decide what women are allowed to learn or decide for themselves.
For these reasons, I strongly urge you to oppose this legislation, which disregards ethical principles of bodily autonomy and access to factual medical guidance. Alternative proposals that uphold reproductive rights and preserve access to unbiased information should be prioritized in the interests of public health and civil liberties.
To be perfectly clear, let me state that I am disgusted that you are representing me in Congress. You are not a god, that decides how women are allowed to live. We are not your property. You think that getting into Congress makes you the ruler of women. I hope you someday face the hubris of your actions.