- United States
- Okla.
- Letter
SB 593 is an alarming and unconstitutional attempt at government censorship that must be vehemently opposed. This draconian bill seeks to ban entire genres of literature from schools and libraries, violating core First Amendment principles of free expression. Censoring works of fantasy romance unjustly restricts the rights of authors, publishers, and readers across the nation. Such overreaching book bans do not protect children but rather suppress vital access to knowledge, creativity, and diverse storytelling perspectives. We cannot allow authoritarian efforts to control and limit ideas to take root. I implore you to firmly denounce SB 593 and take decisive action to prevent this kind of insidious censorship from spreading further. The government has no rightful authority to deem what literature is "acceptable" – that is a violation of our constitutionally enshrined freedoms. Stand as a bulwark against these book banning efforts that threaten the open exchange of ideas so fundamental to our democracy.