  1. United States
  2. Utah
  3. Letter

Oppose The Heritage Foundation's Project 2025

To: Sen. Stevenson, Gov. Cox, Rep. Defay

From: A verified voter in Layton, UT

May 25

I am writing to you as a concerned constituent to express my opposition to The Heritage Foundation’s "Project 2025." This initiative, aimed at reshaping federal government policies, poses significant threats to the progress and protections that have been established in our society. The proposed changes under "Project 2025" include rolling back regulations and policies that safeguard our environment, health, and civil liberties. These alterations threaten to undermine the progress we have made in addressing climate change, protecting public health, and ensuring equal rights for all citizens. As my elected representative, I urge you to stand against this initiative. It is crucial that we continue to support policies that prioritize the well-being of our environment, the health of our communities, and the protection of civil rights. We need leaders who will champion sustainable and inclusive policies rather than reverting to regressive measures. I respectfully request that you take a public stand against "Project 2025" and work with your colleagues to ensure that the progress we have achieved is not dismantled. Your leadership on this issue is vital to maintaining the values and protections that are important to your constituents. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to seeing your commitment to these critical issues.

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