  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Ensure Biden's Ohio ballot eligibility for fair 2024 election.

To: Sen. Schaffer, Gov. DeWine, Rep. LaRe

From: A constituent in Lancaster, OH

May 28

The issue of ensuring President Biden is on the Ohio ballot for the 2024 presidential election is a matter of critical importance. It is unacceptable for Ohio to potentially deprive voters of the ability to choose the Democratic nominee due to partisan deadlock and procedural technicalities. The state legislature must take immediate action to resolve this situation and uphold the fundamental democratic principle of providing all citizens the opportunity to vote for their preferred candidates. Ohio's current certification deadline of 90 days before the election date creates an untenable conflict with the timing of the Democratic National Convention in August. This arbitrary deadline, implemented in 2010, has repeatedly necessitated last-minute legislative fixes to accommodate both major party nominees. The temporary extensions granted in previous election cycles were merely band-aid solutions, highlighting the need for a permanent resolution. Failing to rectify this issue would disenfranchise a significant portion of Ohio's electorate and undermine the integrity of the democratic process. It is imperative that the state legislature acts swiftly and responsibly to extend the certification deadline, ensuring that both President Biden and his Republican opponent are listed on the November ballot. A fair and inclusive electoral process is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy. Ohio must prioritize the rights of its citizens over partisan interests and guarantee that every eligible voter has the opportunity to make their voice heard in the 2024 presidential election. The request is clear: take immediate legislative action to secure President Biden's place on the Ohio ballot, upholding the sacred principles of democratic representation and electoral integrity.

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