  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Protect democracy from the coming dark days

To: Rep. Foushee, Sen. Budd, Sen. Tillis

From: A constituent in Chapel Hill, NC

November 7

With the victory of Trump as president, we are potentially entering into the end of American democratic rule and the United States will become a land of fascist dictatorship. As the darkness of Trumps’s dictatorship descends, you must promise the people of North Carolina who elected you that you will not stand by as opposition leaders are imprisoned, as minorities are bullied and beaten, as the coffers of the government are used to enrich Trump’s own fortune. Right now, you potentially could be a leader: you could stand against the coming tyranny and stand up for democratic ideals. Or you could sit by, do nothing, let Trump (aka Hitler) make his edicts, and watch over the end of democracy in America. How will you show the people of North Carolina what side of history you are on? Prove to the people whom you represent that you actually care about democracy: stand against Trump when he imprisons and murders his opponents, be outraged and act against his use of the military against civilians, don’t stand by as he dismantles the institutions of government and pillages our country. The end of democracy is coming—how will you show the people that you care about democratic ideals, regardless of party?

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