  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Pursue common-sense gun control to protect children's lives.

To: Gov. DeWine, Sen. Hackett, Rep. Dean

From: A verified voter in Cedarville, OH

September 5

I understand the immense pain and anger felt after the tragic school shooting in Georgia that claimed four young lives. No parent should have to fear their child not returning home from school. We have a moral imperative to pursue common-sense gun safety measures to help prevent such devastating events. I am calling on you to take immediate action on increased gun control legislation at both the state and federal levels. The unholy sacrificing of children's lives on the altar of unlimited access to firearms cannot continue. We need universal background checks, assault weapon bans, and other reasonable reforms that the vast majority of Americans support. As your constituent, I have a civic duty to vote against any elected officials who prioritize the interests of the gun lobby over the lives of our nation's children. Those who obstruct meaningful progress on this issue are complicit in these preventable tragedies. I implore you to have the courage to stand up to the gun lobby and work across the aisle to keep our kids safe. The time for thoughts and prayers has passed - we demand action.

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