  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Develop regulations for responsible EV battery disposal and mineral sourcing.

To: Rep. Valdés, Gov. Desantis, Sen. Collins

From: A verified voter in Tampa, FL

December 31, 2023

The escalating sales of electric vehicles (EVs) necessitate immediate attention to the environmental implications of spent EV battery disposal. The absence of public policy in this regard, particularly in the context of toxic components like cadmium, arsenic, and nickel, is alarming. The Tampa Bay Area, already burdened by environmental disasters, cannot afford further damage. Therefore, it is crucial to develop comprehensive regulations for proper EV battery disposal. Additionally, the sourcing of critical minerals for EV batteries should be done responsibly, considering the potential environmental impact and the rights of Indigenous communities. A sustainable transition to EVs is only possible with these considerations in mind.

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