  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Endorsing Biden

To: Rep. Schiff

From: A constituent in Tujunga, CA

July 20

No!!! No no no no no!! How could you?????  How could you turn on Biden and the Democrats and play right into the hands of the Maggots by dividing the Dems and endorsing Joe's stepping down?  SHAME ON YOU!!!!! This is the time that we need unity more than ever! The Trumpublicans are totally united in their authoritarian takeover of America. Don't you see that the best tack right now is to present a completely united front?? Democracy is a team sport and we must be one solid team. It's not Joe's win that's important. It is the Democrats wins that are important. We must talk up the team. We must talk up Kamala. You and Biden and all the others must be using the pronoun "we" 100 times, a 1,000 times, more than you use the pronoun "I." Democracy is a team sport!!!!! Don't you see that it is fear that is driving this decision of yours? It's a very very misguided and mistimed decision. To quote historian John Meacham: “There is a no more unreasoning emotion than fear.“ Change your way on this or lose our votes forever. Up until this we were 100% behind you Adam. Now we are 100% against you. You are very wrong in this decision. Please reconsider.

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