Reconsider SB727: Protect Public Education and Homeschooling Communities
  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

Reconsider SB727: Protect Public Education and Homeschooling Communities

To: Gov. Parson

From: A constituent in Saint Peters, MO

April 20

The comprehensive education bill, SB727, despite its amendments, still raises significant concerns. It expands private school tax credits, potentially diverting crucial resources from public schools. While it includes provisions for increased public-school funding and teacher recruitment, the authorization of charter schools could further strain public education. Homeschooling communities also express apprehension about potential negative impacts. The bill's focus on expanding the MOScholars program, a K-12 tax-credit scholarship, may increase choice, but at what cost to our public education system? It is crucial to reassess this bill and prioritize a more balanced approach to education reform that does not compromise the integrity of public schools or homeschooling communities. Please consider vetoing SB727.

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