  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Reject regressive agenda, protect rights and equality for all

To: Rep. Grothman

From: A constituent in Grafton, WI

July 13

I understand the desire to return to a romanticized vision of the past, but the reality is that many Americans in the 1960s faced discrimination, oppression, and lack of rights. Advocating to strip away the progress made towards equality and self-determination for women, minorities, and marginalized groups is misguided and harmful. We should be focused on building a more just society that empowers all people, not reverting to an era marked by injustice. As an elected representative, your role is to uplift and protect the rights of all your constituents, not push an ideological agenda rooted in outdated and discriminatory beliefs. I urge you to reconsider these divisive stances that only breed further division at a time when we need to come together and move forward as a nation.

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