  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Kelly, Sen. Sinema

From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ

April 24

Aid for Gaza is stuck in Turkey because the United States State Department is telling Turkey to refuse the right to sail! On top of Biden's refusal to give food to Gaza UNRWA, Biden is a refusing to allow others to give food to Gaza. I demand that you tell Biden that we are going to feed Gaza no matter his personal prejudice!!! President Biden does not have the right to starve to death the people of Gaza. If you think he's going to get reelected, it's not going to happen!!! Anybody pinning their political future on Biden being reelected have better find another job. I wish Democrats (and neutral parties, haha) would grow a spine.

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